Thursday, October 8, 2015

Solar Oven Prepping – Why Eat Cold Pork n Beans if You Don’t Have To?

Right now solar oven use is booming. They are becoming more and more popular both as a survival tool as well as for everyday cooking. This is because the traditional camp stove or barbecue uses propane, gas, charcoal or some other form of fuel to cook with. These fuels can be costly, can be dangerous

Don’t be Left in the Dark – Why you Need an Emergency Power Generator

A fact that worries me is that in the last 10 years, power failures have become more and more common.  These power failures are happening because of the self same reasons, again and again.  Extreme weather, ageing utility equipment and higher than expected demands for electricity.  Power outages are happening because of these and a

Source: Don’t be Left in the Dark – Why you Need an Emergency Power Generator first published via Ready Tribe - Don't Just Survive, Thrive!.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Many thanks for stopping by.  I've created this blog to help publicise the writing I do, mainly as I haven't previously done any self promotion, so I thought it was about time I started!

I'm a writer and I've been lucky enough over the last few years so that my writing has supported my lifestyle.  I write mainly about outdoor living and being ready for whatever nature decides to throw out way - About being prepared...

I'll be linking back to some of my other articles when I get the time, so please come back soon...